Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Opportunity of a Lifetime campaign?
The Opportunity of a Lifetime Campaign is a comprehensive campaign that includes capital for land acquisition, construction, endowment, and unrestricted operations support (Annual Fund). St. John’s School seeks to raise $100 million to achieve the objectives identified in each of these areas. The details of those needs can be reviewed in the Campaign Overview section of the website.
What is the timing of the campaign?
The quiet phase of the campaign began in Fall 2011. The community announcement began in Spring 2015 and the remainder of the campaign is scheduled to run through the Spring of 2016. Flores Hall opened in Fall 2015.
Can pledges be made over a period time?
Yes. Pledges can be fulfilled over a time period of up to five years from the beginning of the pledge.
Is our Annual Fund support included in the giving and recognition levels for the campaign?
Yes. Since it is a combined comprehensive campaign, giving towards Annual Fund, capital, or endowment will all be counted toward your cumulative commitment for the Opportunity of a Lifetime campaign.
How will our giving to St. John’s be prioritized considering there are multiple giving areas in the campaign including Annual Fund, which we already support?
Continued excellence in the overall student experience is a fundamental priority. Unrestricted support for operations from the Annual Fund is critical to sustaining excellence. It is strongly encouraged that donors continue to give at current Annual Fund levels and that any funds directed toward capital or endowment be given “above and beyond” current levels of Annual Fund support.
Can I make a commitment to the “Opportunity of a Lifetime” campaign on one form to include Annual Fund as well as Capital or Endowment?
Yes. There is an Opportunity of a Lifetime letter of intent (pledge form) where you can indicate your pledge and schedule of support for Annual Fund, Capital, and/or Endowment categories for the next five years. The Advancement Office will send you reminders per your indicated schedule and the need to fill out any further gift or pledge forms is eliminated for the duration of your pledge term.
Can gifts be made anonymously?
Yes. Careful provision will be made for honoring the wishes of anyone who may desire to contribute to the School and remain anonymous. Additionally, a donor may choose to remain anonymous for a specified period of time while reserving a naming opportunity for a date in the future. In such circumstances, prior arrangements should be made with the Director of Advancement to reserve that opportunity.
Can gifts or installments be fulfilled through gifts of appreciated securities?
Yes, simply visit the Making a Pledge page and click the securities transfer link.
Can we adjust our pledge schedule if we have any changes that would make that more convenient or necessary?
Absolutely. You can make changes on the installment schedule or pledge amount at any time by contacting one of the following individuals in the Advancement Office:
Mark Dini
Director of Advancement
Karen Lievre
Donor Records Coordinator
Will there be donor recognition for the campaign and named giving opportunities?
Yes. There will be a campaign final report that will list all donors in their respective giving categories and levels. Click here to view a list of available named giving opportunities. Please contact Mark Dini, Director of Advancement, with any questions. Named giving opportunities begin at $50,000.
Who do I contact if I have additional questions or for named giving opportunities?
You can contact the Director of Advancement Mark Dini directly at 713.850.4120 or by email at [email protected]